Fashionista Background

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Picture panels

Having cancelled the wallpaper I decided to look more carefully at the Erte pictures I have.
They are so beautiful. This one and the next would look lovely in the Work Room. Kirscha is a designer/seamstress after all. I still want to stick with the black and gold colour scheme even though these are more sublte.

I especially love the background colour on this. It's more golden yellow in RL.
This is the one that inspired me. They could be framed and then used as large panels on the walls and paint the walls with sponge effects. If I paint the whole room white and then sponge onto it, I could bring the light and shade of various colours and draw out the colours of the pictures.

This could be used too. They would work well together. I have 3 walls to play with, but want to put the curtains on one. It's going to be a tough choice.

I thought this would look good in the Dining Room with the Egyptian theme.

Love the elegance and colours in this one.
The russets and reds go well with the Egyptian paper. I was going to have deep yellow as the main colour, but I'm leaning toward the deep red now, but still keeping the background ocre/mustard.

These are such different colours for me. I love cool colours, purple, pink and turquoise, but this is Kirscha's house and she has very different tastes and ideas.

I feel the Erte art will dominate as a  theme throughout. There is so much available too.

Although I was very disappointed about the wallpapers, I think I've found a workable solution. Those that I'll used can be framed and the walls painted in hues to compliment. They Art Deco period saw a lot of wall panels so it would still capture the age. It's just so much more work. I'd rather get it right and then I'll be so happy to play and take huge amounts of photos.

So panelling is the way forward, methinks.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Sylph - the naughtiest faerie

Oh she looks innocent, I'll grant you, but beneath this sweet face....

lies a faerie with great powers!

The power to twist a knife!

To stab it into soft weak hearts

and then tell you, she's in charge!

Yes, she's in charge of the money and the fingers that tap the 'By It Now' button!
She's the most powerful little imp in all creation. She just put on the magic and hooked me. Now I'm mesmerised and delirious within her spell.

She's going to be the Dragon Rider of Blissemloare my orange dragon who has probably decided to not come home now but gone off to Indonesia to get her. That means she will be another month and will be enjoying the sun and sand and spicy food while I'm left here designing a dragon den and a dollhouse!

They are cruel! CRUEL I tell you. They weave their magic over you, burn their little sprinkles into your eyes so you can never forget them and then they have the audacity to demand whatever they want, whenever they want it! It's an outrage! They should be hung upside down outside in the dark with the spiders and the bats.

Ha! I'll show that little scamp when she gets here. LOL yeah right! As if, because the moment she sits in my hand she'll work her spell and I'll be gone with the faeries, lost to their sweetness, captivated by their joy and sent into heavenly bliss.

Hey isn't that why she's going to be the rider of BLISSemloare? No I can't call her Bliss, can I? Ok, so what's another word for ecstasy? She's the faerie of joy, even if she does have a dower expression, or perhaps she's just a riddle. Nope, she's a bad faerie. Very very bad indeed. *mutters - naughty little tiny minx*
And she's coming home to live with me!!!! Skippetty happiness all round.

Did I say she was a Glow In the Dark resin? Green glowing, though I would have preferred blue, but I'll be happy anyway. And the set of wings I've ordered will mean she'll have some wings too.

I've been playing with names. Feeorin means small green fairy. Playing with that I came up with Feyorin and sounds a bit like fear-you're-in, as if she's scared me into buying her because I would regret it if I didn't. Who am I kidding? Fear indeed. 

Feyorin the rider of Blissemloare. Sounds nice. The fearless faerie of TzaTza. 
She's a warrior. I'll have to see what I can make for her once she's here. Excited!  

Wallpaper cancelled

I looked into this and discovered the seller is taking time off. So I've agreed to cancel the papers. I'll think it though and decide later if I want to re-order. In the meantime, I'll continue working on layouts in the house so I can get the exact measurements for the skirting. My friend is home tomorrow so if I get my act together perhaps he could cut them down.

I have a day off tomorrow. Yippee!

Monday 21 February 2011

Wallpaper smallpaper - me wants!!!!

I've been waiting to pay for all those gorgeous papers I'd taken ages to choose and this morning I received a notice to say the order had been cancelled by the seller because 'I no longer wanted them' which isn't true. I've been writing to the seller over and over to get her to give me an updated invoice with the correct postage. I didn't want to pay £5.88 when it should be £1.50 according to her details. Then this morning I received an updated invoice with postage at £4.50! and that was after the cancellation notice. So what's going on?

I wrote to the seller again requesting the correct postage and explaining that I did want the papers so could she please send me the correct invoice. But... I also explained that I was not going to pay until the outstanding order of 3 papers had been sent. I've been waiting nearly 3 weeks for that. Yet I've already received the first order. I know she's had a bearevement recently and this is probably why things are in a muddle, but she sent that first order during that time. It actually took 6 weeks to arrive! So I thought when she said she was back to work, that it would be all right to put in another order. Now I'm just confused and frustrated.

Wings glorious wings

A set of tiny wings by CopperFairy Studio on Etsy. I already have a larger set but thought these might be better for Kirscha. The others are quite heavy. It's also nice to be able to have different colours for her moods.

Dragon Cave

I'm going to build a dragon cave using a room box.
 I bought various items from the pet shop and temporarily laid down felt.
Sticks will be used for the shelf I'll be adding about half way up for the dragons to sleep on. I want this to be wider than the back walls. It's going to be an odd shape. Needs more thought and planning.

 Rivet likes the water dish but says its too small.
Silly dragon, you're not meant to sit in it! It's for drinking water not bathing.
 Cave entrance. I wanted something small, but this seems too small now. Oh bother.

Kirscha likes the colours, but agrees it's too small.
Still it could just be used in photos.

 Sorry about the poor quality of this photo, I had to swap cameras and can't power down the flash.
A clay block for a seat. Once coloured this will work well inside the cave. Rivet isn't convinced.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Poem - Heartsong

In the land of Tza Tza, full of love and laughter
 was a faerie bold and true born by blood this land to rule
Nurtured and taught by the great advisors
 She flourished in all they laid before her.

Yet everyday was like another
 nothing varied, nothing changed.
Rise before dawn, study till dusk
For a queen to be this was a must.

Something had to change!

Her skin of burnished oak
 she covered with her faerie cloak.
A shimmer, a mist and a sprinkle of dust
 she vanished before they could protest.

This was before her coming of age
 when she wandered alone to think and pray
For her heart longed for adventure
 'coz she found her studies weighty and pressured.

She roamed the forest, fields and meadows
 searching for exciting treasures.
Such is the way in all adventures
 the heavens opened forcing the need for shelter.

Without a thought for her safety,
 she flew into a cave dark and musty.
Within it's depths she heard a noise
 that caused our shivering faerie to pause.

She held her breath and listened again.
 A crack! A rasp! A wheezing croak
made her turn and seek it's source.
 Deep within lay a glowing mass,
shining, rocking an egg, she gasped!

A cry for help from a burgeoning beast
 caused her heart to lurch, she could not resist.
For help if sought she was borne to offer
 and knelt before the glossy matter.

There on the dank cold cave floor
 lay a small dragon only half born.
Without care for herself,
 she lifted its head and sang for health.

The beast was spent and life seemed gone
 distressed beyond measure she sang her song.
Her tears of gold fell into its mouth.
 He swallowed each tear and took to himself
her love, her life and her gift of health.

Within her arms a warmth did pass
 from her to him and back again.
Entwining hearts that should be at odds
 instead became bound in love.

A bond this strong and true was called
 Heartsong meant only for the noble brood.
For to join in song one heart to another
 was a bond meant to last forever.

A faerie and a dragon love?
 In all of history it was never heard of.
So began a secret passion
 of heart and soul and spirit blending.

Heartsong can not be broken
 by fae or foe or any potion.
In secret then their love must be hidden,
 lest they cause a great commotion
Or be discovered, seperated and banished
 from the land they both did cherish.

Time it passed and the dragon grew
 their bond remained strong and true
Until the night before her crowning
 when their secret was discovered.

Hauled before the court of law,
 then given a choice to rule or fall.
Forsaking her love, she could never do
 so into exile she was sent
And there forever to repent.

Dispirited and broken hearted
 the faerie and the dragon departed.
Leaving the home they both had known
 seperated by the Sword of Gowen.
Into exile they were sent
 for a life of banishment.

For if she ever dared return
 she must be crowned without her Heartsong
And rule as she was raised to do
 Serve her people and forsake the love she held to.

Yet one day she vowed to find him
 for the Heartsong had forever bound them.
Heart and soul and spirit blending
 through her song her message she sent him.

Wherever Rivenaugh was bound
 his heart would hear the lilting sound
Of her song of love and longing
 from her heart to his unending.

And there in spirit strong and true
 their love would continue despite the rules
To seperate, forced far apart
 never to join heart to heart.

By Valli

This is Kirscha's history that will be transformed into a tiny book to sit in a special place in Riven Manor. I want to add pictures and then send everything off to someone to transform. Rivet and Kirscha inspire me.

I've been tweaking this throughout the day, so this may not be the final poem. I've had no training so writing can be difficult at times.

This is now the final draft. 23.2.11

Thursday 17 February 2011

Walk Like an Egyptian

Love this picture from Tiggy. Thanks Tiggy for the warm welcome.

Loved the dancing in this and the combined music is great. I have no personal connection with the music, I just liked it. Please don't be offended.

Sunday 13 February 2011

What! More dragons?

It's not all about dragons. What about Fairy wings!
They are beautiful, but I haven't yet worked out how to make them stay in place.

Rivet is just showing off standing on his hind legs, or is he trying to be taller than Kirscha?
Leaky in his tub, Dinky Dino hiding behind and baby Rivet in the front.

Cheeky Rivet posing!
He is truly amazing. Everyone who has held him thinks so. Hubby thinks he's incredible.

Baby Rivet and grown Rivet made by two different artists.
I had bought large Rivet and was inspired to write a story about him and Kirscha. I then needed a baby Rivet and found this little fella.
I haven't yet finished writing the story about them, but hope to share with you all eventually.

He is removable from the blue glass pebble.

Kirscha's wings are resting on the bath! These two look out of place in this modern setting.

Dinky Dinosaur Marionette
by Swampysec on ebay UK

I just had to have him. No doubt he'll show up in the stories somewhere. I love tiny toys!


I have discovered that if you click on the pictures and then click it again they come up huge! So if you want to see the details, click away.

I have lots to share with you.
Paints for the outside. Grey to touch up the existing grey, pale aqua for the windows with the darker one for the lintel (the peaked thing above the windows as I'm not sure if that's the right word). A selection of brushes.

The lounge rug (Zebra) and curtain fabric (leopard print) and two vases.

Hand painted. A rare find that I simply had to have for Kirscha's personal lounge. The colours work better in the dining room, so they may go in there later.

Blue is transparent and white is GID (glow in the dark)
I hope to make some dragon eggs.

Fairy case for all of Kirschas clothes and wigs.

That's all the inside info on the goodies to date.

Friday 11 February 2011

Hoping for a friend

Orange dragon by Blitzava
This darling dragon has just come back on the market and I'm hoping I can snaffle her. Wouldn't she be wonderful for Rivet? I've nicknamed her Clementine. LOL that's a bad sign when you give them a name. It means you can't eat them! No... I don't mean eat, of course not, I meant harm... yes, harm, no harm, I mean no harm. Cuddle, yes, that's what I meant, I can cuddle her. Oh dear, she really needs to come here and rescue me from myself!

I bought her!!! She even revealed her name in the night, Blissemloare, or Bliss for short. That told me. Clementine! NEVER, LOL. Rivet is going to be beside himself when she arrives. I'm so excited. These are wonderful creatures. Thank goodness for commission.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Rivet meets his keeper

In my hand! He's so small. Only 3" from his head to his amazing toes.

I've got a dragon eating out of my hand. *ggg*

"I can still bite, you know"

Cuddles with Kirscha.

She can ride him, but it's not the best as he's a bit small for her and her dress is too tight.

But he loves snuggling into her hair and she loves giving him hugs, so I can't deny them their pleasure.

'Leaky' the water dragon arrived today, too. He's an OOAK by Nicky CC. He'll show up in Kirscha past.

They are all so cute together, though he won't be with Rivet in the story. He looks all fluffy in that bath.
The dragons are part of Kirscha's past/faerie life.

A fairy dress

Choosing fabric. Light weight net, beads, ribbon, silver thread and needle. There are several layers so that it isn't transparent.

The layers were gathered and sewn onto a ribbon, then the back seam was sewn inside out. A slot was left unstitched to allow for ease. Kirscha may be tiny, but she has big hips!

The top is made from two sections of net gathered and then stitched together using a large bead then sewn onto the front of the ribbon. Note beads were added inside the underskirt layers of net for interest. The top net came with the reflective dots.

Finished dress. Kirscha in her fairy wig.

The back is not perfect, but it does fit. The ribbon ends were glued and allowed to dry. A slot was cut into the longer one and a bead sewn on the other forming a neat closure that has little bulk. It's difficult on something with a 2cm waist!

No straps as I felt they would be too bulky.

The finished dress!

Next time I'll use less layers as they are too bulky. She needs more room to move as she's so amazing to pose.