Fashionista Background

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Sylph - the naughtiest faerie

Oh she looks innocent, I'll grant you, but beneath this sweet face....

lies a faerie with great powers!

The power to twist a knife!

To stab it into soft weak hearts

and then tell you, she's in charge!

Yes, she's in charge of the money and the fingers that tap the 'By It Now' button!
She's the most powerful little imp in all creation. She just put on the magic and hooked me. Now I'm mesmerised and delirious within her spell.

She's going to be the Dragon Rider of Blissemloare my orange dragon who has probably decided to not come home now but gone off to Indonesia to get her. That means she will be another month and will be enjoying the sun and sand and spicy food while I'm left here designing a dragon den and a dollhouse!

They are cruel! CRUEL I tell you. They weave their magic over you, burn their little sprinkles into your eyes so you can never forget them and then they have the audacity to demand whatever they want, whenever they want it! It's an outrage! They should be hung upside down outside in the dark with the spiders and the bats.

Ha! I'll show that little scamp when she gets here. LOL yeah right! As if, because the moment she sits in my hand she'll work her spell and I'll be gone with the faeries, lost to their sweetness, captivated by their joy and sent into heavenly bliss.

Hey isn't that why she's going to be the rider of BLISSemloare? No I can't call her Bliss, can I? Ok, so what's another word for ecstasy? She's the faerie of joy, even if she does have a dower expression, or perhaps she's just a riddle. Nope, she's a bad faerie. Very very bad indeed. *mutters - naughty little tiny minx*
And she's coming home to live with me!!!! Skippetty happiness all round.

Did I say she was a Glow In the Dark resin? Green glowing, though I would have preferred blue, but I'll be happy anyway. And the set of wings I've ordered will mean she'll have some wings too.

I've been playing with names. Feeorin means small green fairy. Playing with that I came up with Feyorin and sounds a bit like fear-you're-in, as if she's scared me into buying her because I would regret it if I didn't. Who am I kidding? Fear indeed. 

Feyorin the rider of Blissemloare. Sounds nice. The fearless faerie of TzaTza. 
She's a warrior. I'll have to see what I can make for her once she's here. Excited!  

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